"We must constantly develop our value proposition for customers, and the drones are an example of this. Parcel deliveries have great potential, but in addition the innovation project can also help move inspection of turbines from being a manual process to being automated. It will provide a faster and much more accurate measurement," says Nils Overgaard, Head of Special Projects at ESVAGT.
The University of Southern Denmark also sees the industrialization of wind as an area in rapid development. Kjeld Jensen, Associate Professor, at the SDU Dronecenter receives many inquiries about wind turbines at the moment. "We are on the way to the biggest green transition ever, and wind turbines are central to it. There is huge potential in industrializing, also with increased use of drones," he points out.
Great savings potential
If one succeeds with fully autonomous wind turbine inspection and parcel deliveries of, for example, tools using drones and fixed charging stations on SOVs, the effect will also be significant: "The innovation project introduces an unprecedented level of autonomy and speed that will optimize the O&M costs of servicing offshore wind turbines," says Anne Bjerre Hammer, Project Manager, Energy Cluster Denmark.